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Hello sir, I have this problem with the mouse while playing Babysitter Bloodbath.

If I move my mouse to the left or right, the character keeps turning into the same direction (it keeps turning right) and I don't know how to fix it (I tried deleting that file that it was mentioned in the readme, and it still did not work).
Is there anything I can do?

Hi please email me: ben[at] so I can help you with the issue.

Deleted 5 years ago

If I try to send you and email it says that the email doesn't exist...

please upload all the other games .. i wil buy all collection


this is gay

What's the point of picking up the axe and swinging it if you can't even kill him with it?

You can kill him with it.

How? Because I was watching John Wolfe and he was at the part where you need to shoot the killer in the garage. He ran out of bullets and switched the gun with the axe and swung at the killer, but it didn't kill the killer even though the killer was close to death.

Also is there a different I can play your games like Stay Out Of The House or Feed Me Billy without having to buy the game.

i wish i chould buy it :c

(1 edit)

Hem, excuse me, I have accidentally bought this game 2 times, what should I do?

You can email for anything payment related.

(2 edits)

I would like to ask you something else, are "The night of the reaper" and "The planet of bloodthirsty santa" still in development games? And if they are, when they are gonna come out?

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Hi Puppet Combo I love your games and I bought all of your games and plan to sign up for the patreon, BUT, babysitter Bloodbath won't download on my computer and I was very amped to play this game, so what do i do to get a download?

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 plkay it plkay it 2x

 ment too s0pekll iot thsty wasyu donmt ghet off3ended

(1 edit)

I am sorry sir, but I don't think I have understood what are you trying to say...

(1 edit)


When it finishes installing the game it just exits out. I have DIrect play too. Also your email ben[at] doesn't seem to work. It says out of index range. 


Hi, are you using the app to install the game? If so, please contact and mention that it's not installing on their app. In the mean time downloading the .rar file in a browser and running it manually should allow you to play. Take care.

Deleted 5 years ago

Hi, I don't think I've received that email. Can you send it again?

It won't even open for me need help!

Hi please email me: ben[at] so I can help you with the issue.

how do I unpack the files? im new to pc so

Try 7zip:

index out of range...

Hi, can you contact It's a problem with their app not the game itself.

Alternatively, you could download it with a web browser.

how do I unpack the files?


i keep trying to download it and it keeps saying its index is out of range please help

Can you contact

It's a problem with their app.

ooooh boy!


Games like these really need a sequel... imo

(1 edit)

Do you think this game could be ported to Steam?  I'm not really and User and it's my first time.

Another good one by puppet combo! 

Hey there i have a problem on my PC, when i open the game it shows the loading screen then it goes black and closes.

Hi please email me: ben[at] so I can help you with the issue.

I keep getting an error message when trying to download this game.any suggestions on what to do?

Hi please email me: ben[at] so I can help you with the issue.

this is the only halloween game...

I keep trying to download the game and its telling me its index out of range please help

Hi please email me: ben[at] so I can help you with the issue.

(1 edit)

I'm trying to run this on Windows 10. I have DirectPlay enabled and I can run the game in Windowed or Full Screen at 640x480 resolution. If I try setting it to anything higher in the game, it crashes. Does anyone have any insight?



Hi, please email me so I can help: ben [at] puppetcombo. com


This game was excellent & terrifying, my hands were shaking after I got killed! But worth it. 


Hey,  how do I install it on windows 10 ? I cannot "Unpack" it because it is rar. have someone an Idea? 

You'll need 7-zip to unpack the game:


thanks! It worked 

In answer to your last question I'm using webroot secure anywhere for my security software

In answer to your last question I'm using webroot secure anywhere for my security software

btw I alredy had direct play on forgot where it was in windows 10 but found it and checked and it's  on. Like I said it's my security that won't iet me install the game,  i could leave it off but that would be stupid.

Sorry, I don't always see when there are new comments here. It's best to contact me at ben [at] so I can help you directly. Please provide as much information as you can such as what security software you are using. Thanks!

(1 edit)

So I finaly got babysitter bloodbath to work this is what I had to do, btw direct play was not it, this is what it took, I had to go into my security software settings and allow these 2 things (acknex.exe & bloodbath.exe.)
Every time I tyied to install the game everything would copy over ?except those 2 files my securty software saw them as a ?threat, actuly I could not find where the settings were but the geek squad could I paid for the support when I purchised this computer may as well get my moneys  worth. Don't judge me I'm not a geek with computers but I'm learning?
Hope someone finds this helpful

In answer to your last question I'm using webroot secure anywhere for my security software

First off it's my security software that won't let me play the game or install it after turning off my internet and disabling my firewall the game works but as soon as i turn it on my security detects  it and deletes it, also where do I find that direct play in windows 10 I watched the video and tried what is showed but it's not there on my computer the video is about older systems

Same here can't install on windows 10 funny thing is power drill massacre by the same developer works fine'

what's up $2.25 for a game and nothing

Have you tried installing directplay?

how do i make the game work for windows 10? 

Have you tried installing directplay?

isn't downloading.. help?

Have you tried these ?

You can also contact support at

tried to no luck

hello want to enter a horror game in my horror jam?


Spot on with that retro aesthetic. Really neat stuff.

This game was so awesome i love the 80s movie vibes and the story of the game but it wouldn't save for me ;(


I watched Harshly Critical play this and knew I needed to play it myself. I love the throwback aspects of this, enjoyed the storyline, and liked the gameplay well enough. I'm really looking forward to future games from you! ^_^


(1 edit) (+1)

a e s t h e t i c 💖💕

Gave it a go...

*Rurr* Hello everyone! Upon seeing the game uploaded here, I've always known about the game, but was holding off from playing it but decided - ah the hell with it, I'll start it now :P the result is my Let's Play on the game, hope everyone enjoys Part 1


very good fun here is my lets play

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